Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A little about me, well, more like a lot.

I've decided to break into the world of home brewing.....What seems to be a long time ago I was a graduate teaching assistant at South Dakota State University, home of the Jackrabbits. I taught Anatomy Lab under the supervision of Scott Pederson, Ph.D. I really wasn't interested that much in my classes, or my research, but I did find teaching was a good way to break up the numerous nights at the bar. Some of those nights, usually Wednesdays after my night lab ended, were spent at a place called Skinners Pub drinking with my professor. He laughed at me when I ordered a 22oz Miller Lite, so he ordered me a Guinness instead. And so the story begins......

The last time a domestic light beer (by U.S. standards) made it's way into the home refrigerator, it was in there over 2 weeks after which it was poured on the pet spots on the lawn where go figure, it did green them right up. On March 5, 2005, when I met the woman who would eventually become my wife, she was drinking that domestic tap beer. I am proud to say that it wasn't to long after that when she became a beer snob, and a proud one at that. Her support is a huge part of my journey into the world of home brewing, and there is not one person who I would rather have to share that journey with.

For those of you who are not into home brewing, need not worry. I have been known to rant on other topics, including but not limited to my love for the Chicago Cubs, Dallas Cowboys, and the Nebraska Cornhuskers. My wife and I are big sports fans, but I am a microbiologist by trade who also knows his way around a grill and kitchen. When we registered for wedding gifts, it was I who went crazy over the cookware and cutlery.

So, keep posted for further comments. Meanwhile, I need to find my next brewing project.

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